When talking about “magic mushrooms,” what comes to the minds of many are the images of hallucinations and illicit drug dens in the 1970s. However, that is changing today, with an increasing number of individuals turning to psilocybin retreats to deal with mental health issues, overcome trauma, and defeat addiction.

Psychedelic mushrooms helping women searching for clarity find peace

In Jamaica’s Treasure Beach, there is a legal magic-mushroom retreat, MycoMeditations, where women can go and search for peace and clarity with the help of psychedelic mushrooms. It has almost been almost five decades since the Summer Love, and psychedelic is finally getting serious consideration. In 2017, Imperial College London researchers established that psilocybin, a compound found in mushrooms, had the potential to “resetting” the brains of depressed individuals. Another study authored by Katherine Maclean found that psilocybin can make individuals open to new experiences, creative and forthcoming about feelings.

Eric Osborne, the founder of the MycoMeditations, said that he opened the retreat inspired by the therapeutic effect psilocybin had in his life. American-borne Osborne spent almost fifteen years researching psilocybin, which is found in more than 200 mushroom species. He argues that the psychedelic compound is not a fun activity because it is a psychological tool that should be considered as such. He chose Jamaica because the country allows the growing of psilocybin producing mushrooms, and the use of psilocybin is legal in the country.

MycoMeditations hosting women retreat

MycoMeditations accommodates individuals suffering from trauma, anxiety, and depression as well as those seeking some clarity. Guests have different issues ranging from personal lives to professional lives they want to explore. Based in Treasure Beach, MycoMeditations is familiar to bohemians and backpackers. It is three hours away from Montego Bay Airport by road.

The retreat allows people to enjoy psilocybin in a legal and supportive setting. Maclean recounted that having a women-only retreat through the #MeToo movement has shown who sexual abuse and harassment are common in society. She says that they were looking for a safer and generous space for women, especially those suffering from trauma.

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