Clinical biotechnology company majoring on researching, developing, and delivering psychedelic new molecular drugs Awakn Life Sciences Inc. has unveiled a new digital wing which will be focusing on using advanced analytics to improve effectiveness of psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy in treating addiction.

In addition, the company also signed a partnership pact with University of Exeter to use the latest developments in digital, innovation and technology in healthcare sector to manage addiction.

Previously, the two parties had signed another pact to use and deliver the ketamine in the reduction of relapse (KARE) psychotherapy intervention as licensed in the phase 2 clinical trial led by University of Exeter.

This latest partnership reinforces partnership between the two parties by laying a foundation for the University of Exeter and Awaken to work together in advancing data analytics to improve effectiveness of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy in treating addiction.

By using an advanced data analytics approach in our work with Awakn, we aim to develop a richer understanding of the process of change following psychedelic treatment. The insights gained will allow us to transform and target our treatments to maximize their effectiveness for each and every patient,” said Prof. Celia Morgan, Head of Psychology in University of Exeter.

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