Medical research company developing small molecule drug compounds seeking to help provide treatment against mental health disorders Delix Therapeutics announced having entered into a partnership with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to advance research on non-hallucinogenic therapies to treat substance disorder.

NIDA is a federal scientific research institute under United States Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health (NIH). According to the agreement, both parties will jointly test Delix’s lead clinical candidates comprising of a non-hallucinogenic and non-toxic ibogaine analog for use in treating a variety of substance use disorders.

The company’s chief executive officer, Mark Rus, said this research will be carried out under NIDA’s Addiction Treatment Discovery Program (ATDP). ATDP works with industry partners to conduct pre-clinical screening, evaluation novel and promising pharmacotherapies which may be more effective treatments for medical management of substance use disorders.

Partnering with NIDA is an important step towards further uncovering the diverse pharmacological benefits of psychoplastogens, above and beyond our own in-house clinical development programs, and represents the potential for Delix to more rapidly advance our innovative CNS treatments to patients who need them. Delix is deeply committed to broadening access to safe, fast-acting, and long-lasting medicines for many of the leading causes of disability worldwide, including to help the roughly 20 million people in the U.S. suffering from substance use disorders,” said the CEO.

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