The Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), a federal agency will be funding three grant recipients to research on psilocybin treatments for substance use disorder (SUD), depression and end-of-life distress.

This grant will go on record as the first ever a Canadian federal agency is funding psilocybin research studies of this kind. The grant will also support the proposal of the grantees through phase 1 and 2 clinical trials under the condition that one will focus on SUD.

This funding will support clinical trials to generate evidence on the therapeutic efficacy and safety of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy as a treatment for substance use disorder, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or treatment resistant depression, and end-of-life psychological distress in patients with advanced-stage cancer, which is needed to inform clinical and regulatory policies,” said a spokesperson from CIHR.

Researchers with experience of people who have lived or living with SUD are being encouraged to apply since one study out of the three will be focusing on SUD.

Over the years, CIHR has been funding a number of studies related to substance use and overdose however none of them is specifically focused on psilocybin therapy. Once these studies are over, CIHR will work with the grantees to mobilize the knowledge from the research to relevant stakeholders.

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